Distinguishing between natural (untreated) gemstones and heat-treated gemstones can be challenging, especially since many treatments are designed to enhance the stone's appearance without leaving visible traces. While some general observations can be made, professional gemological instruments are required for accurate identification. Here are the key aspects used to differentiate them:
1. Color and Uniformity
Natural gemstones often display uneven color distribution, natural zoning, or slight color variations.
Heat-treated gemstones tend to have a more uniform and vibrant color, as heat treatment enhances and homogenizes the hue.
2. Transparency and Clarity
Natural gemstones may contain visible inclusions such as mineral inclusions, liquid-filled cavities, or silk-like rutile formations.
Heat-treated gemstones generally appear clearer, as the heating process can dissolve certain inclusions, making the stone look cleaner and more transparent.
3. Internal Inclusions and Features
Natural gemstones may display untouched natural inclusions, which can be indicators of their authenticity.
Heat-treated gemstones often exhibit specific signs such as melted inclusions, expansion fractures, or altered inclusion patterns that indicate high-temperature exposure.
4. Magnification and Spectroscopy Tests
Using microscopes and spectrometers, gemologists analyze the absorption spectra of the gemstone to detect changes caused by heat treatment.
Some UV fluorescence properties also change depending on whether a gemstone has been heat-treated.
5. Refractive Index and Chemical Analysis
Refractive index (RI) may vary slightly between natural and heat-treated stones.
Advanced techniques like Raman spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy help identify structural changes due to heat exposure.